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OMF::List Class Reference


Inheritance diagram for OMF::List:

OMF::Container OMF::Object List of all members.

Detailed Description

The List class is a container of objects that implements ordered, non-unique containment semantics. That is to say the order of objects added to the list is important and an object can be in the list more than once.

Some notes on memory management. Containers are intended to simply collect objects that are typically owned elsewhere. This means that the values stored in the list are never deleted or copy-constructed. Rather, they are simply shared pointers to the contained objects. The exception to the rule is the addition of primitives. In this case, it is expected of the adding entitiy to understand the memory management ramifications (whhat and when to delete).

Typically, this class is built around a container of pointers to heap-allocated objects. However, interfaces are provided for insertion that look like we're boxing stack-allocated variables. These insertion routines are provided for common primitives and result in the allocation of new objects for insertion. Note that the client MUST delete these later on.

Public Member Functions

  List ()
  List (const List &value)
virtual  ~List ()
const List operator= (const List &value)
virtual Iterator  begin ()
virtual Iterator  end ()
virtual Iterator  find (Object *obj)
virtual Iterator  find (bool value)
virtual Iterator  find (int value)
virtual Iterator  find (const char *value)
virtual ConstIterator  begin () const
virtual ConstIterator  end () const
virtual ConstIterator  find (Object *obj) const
virtual ConstIterator  find (bool value) const
virtual ConstIterator  find (int value) const
virtual ConstIterator  find (const char *value) const
Object at (size_t index)
Object at (size_t index) const
Object operator[] (size_t index)
Object operator[] (size_t index) const
Object front ()
void  pushFront (Object *obj)
void  pushFront (bool value)
void  pushFront (int value)
void  pushFront (const char *value)
void  popFront ()
Object back ()
void  pushBack (Object *obj)
void  pushBack (bool value)
void  pushBack (int value)
void  pushBack (const char *value)
void  popBack ()
Iterator  insert (Iterator i, Object *obj)
Iterator  insert (Iterator i, bool value)
Iterator  insert (Iterator i, int value)
Iterator  insert (Iterator i, const char *value)
Iterator  erase (Iterator i)
virtual bool  empty () const
virtual size_t  size () const
virtual void  add (Object *obj)
virtual void  add (bool value)
virtual void  add (int value)
virtual void  add (const char *value)
virtual void  remove (Object *obj)
virtual void  remove (bool value)
virtual void  remove (int value)
virtual void  remove (const char *value)
virtual void  clear ()
virtual const std::string &  typeCode () const
bool  contains (Object *obj) const
bool  contains (bool value) const
bool  contains (int value) const
bool  contains (const char *value) const
void  collect (OMF::Object *obj)
virtual unsigned  hashCode () const
ModelObject metaObject ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OMF::List::List  ) 

OMF::List::List const List value  ) 

virtual OMF::List::~List  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void OMF::List::add const char *  value  )  [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual void OMF::List::add int  value  )  [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual void OMF::List::add bool  value  )  [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual void OMF::List::add Object obj  )  [virtual]

Add an object to the list. This is the same as appending the object.

Implements OMF::Container.

Object* OMF::List::at size_t  index  )  const

Object* OMF::List::at size_t  index  ) 

Object* OMF::List::back  ) 

virtual ConstIterator OMF::List::begin  )  const [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual Iterator OMF::List::begin  )  [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual void OMF::List::clear  )  [virtual]

Clear the list.

Implements OMF::Container.

void OMF::Container::collect OMF::Object obj  )  [inherited]

The collect method is a generic append for other list/set objects of the same type. The object must be a container for the collect to function. Note that if the object is not a container, no action is taken and no exception is raised.

bool OMF::Container::contains const char *  value  )  const [inherited]

bool OMF::Container::contains int  value  )  const [inherited]

bool OMF::Container::contains bool  value  )  const [inherited]

bool OMF::Container::contains Object obj  )  const [inherited]

The contains method tests for the existence of an object within the container.

virtual bool OMF::List::empty  )  const [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual ConstIterator OMF::List::end  )  const [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual Iterator OMF::List::end  )  [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

Iterator OMF::List::erase Iterator  i  ) 

virtual ConstIterator OMF::List::find const char *  value  )  const [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual ConstIterator OMF::List::find int  value  )  const [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual ConstIterator OMF::List::find bool  value  )  const [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual ConstIterator OMF::List::find Object obj  )  const [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual Iterator OMF::List::find const char *  value  )  [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual Iterator OMF::List::find int  value  )  [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual Iterator OMF::List::find bool  value  )  [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual Iterator OMF::List::find Object obj  )  [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

Object* OMF::List::front  ) 

virtual unsigned OMF::Container::hashCode  )  const [virtual, inherited]

The hash implementation for containers is to simply return the pointer value as an integer. We don't anticipate the need for value-based identity with containers.

Implements OMF::Object.

Iterator OMF::List::insert Iterator  i,
const char *  value

Iterator OMF::List::insert Iterator  i,
int  value

Iterator OMF::List::insert Iterator  i,
bool  value

Iterator OMF::List::insert Iterator  i,
Object obj

ModelObject* OMF::Object::metaObject  )  [inherited]

Return the meta-object of this instance. The meta-object is an instance of the metaclass of this object. For example, the metaclass of UML::Attribute is Model::Class. The metaobject for an instance of UML::Attribute is an instance of Model::Class.

This method may force a load of an entire metamodel in order to return the correct object.

const List& OMF::List::operator= const List value  ) 

Object* OMF::List::operator[] size_t  index  )  const

Object* OMF::List::operator[] size_t  index  ) 

void OMF::List::popBack  ) 

void OMF::List::popFront  ) 

void OMF::List::pushBack const char *  value  ) 

void OMF::List::pushBack int  value  ) 

void OMF::List::pushBack bool  value  ) 

void OMF::List::pushBack Object obj  ) 

void OMF::List::pushFront const char *  value  ) 

void OMF::List::pushFront int  value  ) 

void OMF::List::pushFront bool  value  ) 

void OMF::List::pushFront Object obj  ) 

virtual void OMF::List::remove const char *  value  )  [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual void OMF::List::remove int  value  )  [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual void OMF::List::remove bool  value  )  [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual void OMF::List::remove Object obj  )  [virtual]

In this context the remove function removes all objects with the same identity as the given object.

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual size_t OMF::List::size  )  const [virtual]

Implements OMF::Container.

virtual const std::string& OMF::List::typeCode  )  const [virtual]

The typeCode method returns a textual description of an object's type. This can vary between classifications of objects. For primitives and collections, the names are essentially static. For model objects, enumerations and collections the name of the object is the scoped name of the instantiating class. Note that the names of primitives are not typed.

Implements OMF::Object.

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Generated on Fri Sep 10 13:07:38 2004 for OpenModelingFramework by 1.3.8